Herby's - Légzés segítő illóolaj keverék 10 ml
Elérhetőség: | Raktáron |
Összetevők: A terméket fejlesztette: Dr. Horváth Györgyi, illóolaj szakértő, egyetemi docens 100% természetes, hígítatlan, FOOD GRADE (élelmiszeripari minőségű), gázkromatográffal bevizsgált illóolajokból. A termék olyan illóolajokat tartalmaz, amelyek a meghűlés és megfázás Felhasználása: |
Egy kis tudnivaló
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Chandorkar N. et al. (2021) Phytomedicine Plus 1: 100089; A systematic and comprehensive
review on current understanding of the pharmacological actions, molecular mechanisms, and
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Luis A. et al. (2016) Industrial Crops and Products 79: 274-282; Chemical composition,
antioxidant, antibacterial and anti-quorum sensing activities of Eucalyptus globulus and
Eucalyptus radiata essential oils.
Prall S. et al. (2020) Advances in Integrative Medicine 7: 218-221; Effects of essential oils on
symptoms and course (duration and severity) of viral respiratory infections in humans: A
rapid review.
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Horváth Gy., Ács K. (2015) Flavour and Fragrance Journal 30(5): 331–341; Essential oils in the
treatment of respiratory tract diseases highlighting their role in bacterial infections and their
anti‐inflammatory action: a review.
DOI: 10.1002/ffj.3252
Li J. et al. (2023) Journal of Ethnopharmacology 304: 115962; Pharmacologic effects
approach of essential oils and their components on respiratory diseases.
Gong M. et al. (2020) Review J Affect Disord 274:1028-1040; Effects of aromatherapy on
anxiety: A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials.
Alvarenga RF et al. (2014) Journal of Natural Products 77: 603–610; Airborne Antituberculosis
Activity of Eucalyptus citriodora Essential Oil.
DOI: 10.1021/np400872m